Buster is as full of shit as the rest of them. That one statement might have been honest but the rest was blah blah blah same shit different day.
I didn’t want to make a living on here, but even $100 changes my month significantly. It means I can get to the end of the month broke instead of being broke the entire last week. $200 a month is life-changing.
Others make this and more just fine. This month I finally hit $20, that’s certainly not the worth the work I put into it. This is where I don’t understand your position. I need $200 a month and I’m good enough that I should be able to make that here. Is that really too much to ask?
I never expected to make a full time income. Anyone that did isn’t being realistic. I mean he said it because it’s true but it’s something we all knew already. He’s not actually doing anything amazing by stating the blatantly obvious.
$200 a month would be life-changing. I used to be able to get close. Not anymore. They aren’t being honest about the kind of content they are paying for.
And the boost needs to go.