Member-only story
“False Memory Syndrome” is NOT And Never Has Been a Diagnosis
This was such an affirming thing to learn
I am remembering what happened to me as a child and the perpetrators are pissed. They have a vested interest in making sure everyone believes I am liar, or crazy, or that I’m slandering them because I hate them. They circled their wagons long ago.
Despite their claims to the contrary, they did abuse me that horribly, but I’ve cut myself off from them completely, as well as every single person that knows them. I no longer give a damn what they are saying or encouraging people to believe. I am not bound by their lies about me.
Those who know and love me do believe me about what happened to me, and the rest don’t matter. I’m grateful for those who have been there for me, and who love me despite how hard it must be to have a friend with Dissociative Identity Disorder.
What does hurt is when society in general gaslights me with the “False Memory Syndrome” thing. It’s traumatic to have people laugh at me, or to disbelieve me just because what happened was horrific. I’m having to learn to be at peace with this.
As I pray every morning the words of the Serenity Prayer:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change…