I assume you haven’t read other stories of mine seeing as you feel the need to explain trauma to me like I have no clue about it.
I know trauma well, and I know how meetings work. Your need to over-explain both like I don’t know anything says you think I’m stupid without you having to say the words.
It’s highly insulting to explain this to me in detail with what I’ve been through in my life.
In fact, one of the groups I had to leave because men kept talking about their sexual assaults on women. Another group wouldn’t let me in because a woman there would make the men uncomfortable even though it wasn’t a men’s only group.
In the next group, several of the women and not just me were forced out by the men when one felt the need to say that some were only relapsing because they were weak and not praying enough and that we didn’t want to be sober. It had nothing to do with anything I shared.
You made insulting assumptions about me.