I think the claps are silly, and so I really have to focus to remember. Fifty seems so random like why not just let people do one and only one instead of having to hold down the mouse or their finger for what, exactly? I can see how it would be the equivalent of clicking “like” on a Facebook post but the whole idea of more than one is crazy. But I do them now as one of the things that are silly but if it makes people feel better then it’s worth doing but if Medium took that feature away tomorrow I’d not be sad. Ha. I think if we can do little things to make people happy than we should, which is the only reason I bother.
Clapping without leaving a comment says to me that my story wasn’t good enough for anyone to be bothered to say anything. If my work isn’t good enough to leave a comment then claps are useless. But evidently I’m in the minority on that.