I'm just impressed that you can read those languages! When one of the Islamic groups was sending out free Quran's in English, I requested one because I can't read Arabic. People were making the most awful comments. I've started reading it but not gotten very far yet.
I must admit that the Book of Mormon is pretty low on the list of religious books I want to read but more because I have to prioritize somehow, and I just happen to be less interested in it than some others. Perhaps it's because I no longer personally know any Mormons. I've known several but nobody currently. By the way, I hope this isn't disrespectful, but do Mormons prefer to be called Mormons or LDS?
Religion is a major part of a lot of people's lives. Some of us follow a religion because it's important to us and not, as I often say, just to be able to check a box on a form when it asks about religion.
So how did you manage to learn that many languages? I used to be friends with a guy who is fluent in five or six languages and I figure it must be just the way his brain works. English is his second language and he's better at it than most. I'm still struggling to learn Ecclesiastical Latin. Ha.