I’m One of the “Entitled” Millennials that Boomers and Gen X Keep Bitching About
Yet They Were the Ones that Fucked Society up Like This
In the last two days I’ve seen people, but particularly Boomers and their children, Gen X, throw a massive fit (you’d think they would be old enough to know better, but apparently not) that some people are getting some help from the government with their student loans.
Since yesterday afternoon I’ve been told that I should not have gone to college but instead learned a trade, despite the fact that I’m disabled and can’t, that college is a meaningless investment, and yet we need professionals in other careers as well as trades. You know, like doctors, lawyers, teachers, none of which you can learn at trade school.
Trade school produces electricians, and plumbers, which is good because we need those too. Neither trade school nor college is better than the other, but with the fits these people are currently throwing, you’d think I committed the bloody unpardonable sin by going to college.
I’ve also been told that I took out the debt so I should pay it, because they paid theirs and they worked hard and they have a house and a car because they were responsible ad nauseam, and ever shall be, world without end, amen. They forget that they paid less for these things than we have to now, and actually, most of them don’t give a shit. They certainly don’t want to hear our stories, we are just “entitled.”
I don’t think I’ll waste much time trying to talk reason with them, they actually don’t want to hear it, they just love the sound of their own voices or their opinion coming out of someone else’s mouth. I’m totally exhausted from putting up with their bitching and moaning. I’ve heard loud and clear for most of my life how much they hate us, and I’m slowly learning to disengage from people that despise me.
They aren’t actually concerned about what reality is like for us, they’ve closed their eyes and stuck their fingers in their ears like a lot of other toddlers do when they don’t want to be reasonable. They think we lack morality, because it justifies their tantrums and makes them seem caring. Don’t bother saying it louder for the ones in the back, they don’t give a damn.
The trauma I suffered in life means nothing to them, they don’t believe in multiple personalities (Dissociative Identity Disorder) anyway. I only ended up homeless because I was an ungrateful brat who refused to go back to my abusive parents, you know. What’s worse is that I kept getting told to get a job even though I needed a residential address to get a job but I couldn’t get a residential address until I had a job and could afford to pay rent.
I should have just pulled myself up by my bootstraps. I couldn’t manage that but I was trying to pull myself up by my bra straps because these same people who bitch about entitled Millennials will throw a twenty at that same Millennial for a cheap ride to get their rocks off.
My lack of morals and ethics included not having the right clothes. You just can’t wear certain things to job interviews, you know. I know I looked like a slut, but when I tried to grab some nice used clothes out of the thrift store donation bin they said it was illegal and they’d have me arrested for shoplifting. Same deal with scrounging for burgers in the dumpster behind the Hungry Jacks. They aren’t legally allowed to sell those burgers, but I wasn’t legally allowed to eat them, either.
Then, my lucky day came. Perhaps I’d be just the right kind of person now. I was sold to a man in another country by my father for $2,000. I married and had children with him. Several of the children were disabled, and the marriage fell apart. I ended up being one of those utterly deplorable single mothers who leech off of the state because I need food stamps to feed my kids and I can’t work because the kids are disabled.
I also got to the point where I was disabled enough to not be able to work, but I couldn’t get disability because, well, I’m not sure why because it’s blatantly obvious, but they said no disability for me. If I don’t like it here, I should just go home, right? Well, turns out this is my home.
I should have bettered myself by going to college or trade school. I did go to school, but of course my degree was deemed useless by the same people who think I should better myself. I worked really hard for my education as I was homeschooled by parents who only wanted to indoctrinate me in some shit about a six day creation 6,000 years ago because they wanted me to think that science isn’t real. We can’t have girls learning how to use their brains after all.
Then I heard about how I should have stayed married for the kids, even though the man I married preferred other women. I was depressed a lot because I had my own mental health issues, but apparently that just made me evil. I mean, God only gives mental illness to people who live in poverty, because we have made bad choices and need to learn to do better.
I once heard that rich people didn’t get mentally ill or suffer with addiction. Color me surprised. I thought that addiction and other illnesses didn’t discriminate by social class. I was shocked, shocked I tell you, the day I figured out that it I should have been born in America to a middle class or above family. I think I missed that memo. I guess I should have read it better.
I should have just refused to be abused I guess. Can you believe I dared to enter the cycle of poverty after growing up in a “nice, lower middle class family” just becuase I was so ungrateful for the horrors I suffered that I refused to live at home. I should have made better choices.
By the time sperm met egg and I was conceived, I should have known better.
In a nutshell: They don’t care about us or our stories, it’s all about them. We are on our own.
PS. I might be able to purchase soap for myself next week if the kids don’t need anything else this month. I might even be able to purchase enough food so that I can eat three meals a day too and not just the kids. But that would make me entitled to actually think I deserve that.