In Mississippi, or maybe just my county, you can’t buy alcohol until after a certain time if it’s Sunday. Something like not before 10:00 AM. We still have dry counties here.
I hate the grocery store, for different reasons. Shopping is hard for me and I do curbside pickup. I don’t like the people that take up the entire aisle either.
I’m disabled, which is obvious to people as I’m waddling around with a walker. People will jam their overflowing cart in front of me at a checkout that I’d almost made it to so they can check out first even though I have just a couple of things.
People will see me in a section trying to find what I need and run right into me. Sometimes I cry because how do you miss a fat woman with a walker, and sometimes I speak up and say “I’m a fat woman with a walker, there’s no way in hell that you did not see me.”
When I go to cross the crossing from parking lot to store, people speed up and go right through because somehow waiting a few extra seconds for the disabled woman is too much to ask.
When I simply must use a riding cart I dread it because I get comments about how they are for the disabled and not for the fat and lazy.
If the store doesn’t have what I need, or I can’t find it, I melt down inside. I seriously can’t cope with it especially because people are rude. But, my kids require certain brands of things (some are autistic and it’s a sensory processing issue).
I totally envy you for being able to mostly get in and out.