There has been a problem in the Catholic Church of covering up sexual abuse on behalf of the clergy but this is the first time I’ve heard someone complain about allegations being followed up on in any denomination. Of course they need to investigate. Suicide is awful but the coroner has no clue about the why unless she was already good friends with him. I hope he has found peace from whatever it was in life that caused so much grief that suicide was easier. That’s a separate issue to following up on allegations and gossip about clergy sexual abuse. If they hadn’t investigated, and he had been an abuser, are you one of the ones that would be mad at the church for not doing their due diligence? We can’t have it both ways. Oppression of LGBTQ+ people is real and awful, so is sexual abuse, and one does not mean the other. An abuser is an abuser in any sexuality or gender expression. They had to check.